Although FICO takes a look at many factors while calculating your credit score, there are plenty of areas that are free from judgment. For starters, FICO only looks at information that shows up in your credit report. If you do not see something included in your credit report then FICO does not take it into account. Information that is not statistically proven to be a good indicator of future credit presentation will not be used either.
Besides the inquiry exceptions already discussed, there are a few more to take note of. Becoming pre-approved for a promotion will not hurt your credit. Inquiries coming from you or your employer are also not included in your credit report.
Personal Information
Under the Consumer Credit Protection Act, FICO is unable to use personal information such as marital status, national origin, sex, religion, color, or race. FICO also does not use your age, address, job title, employment history, or salary, but lenders may still look at this information when considering you for a loan.
Credit Repair
FICO does not judge you if you are taking part in a credit repair program. Rest assured, credit repair will not harm your credit score!